Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Autumn Leaves

Autumn is slowly fading into winter. The short time that the fall season is here, I take every opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. To me and many others, it's the perfect season. The air turns crisp, the temperature is comfortable, and there seems to be a more carefree feeling in the air. Growing up in Florida, I didn't really get to experience a "true" autumn. The weather would become a little chillier, but no leaves would turn and the Florida sun would still outshine any chance of overcast. It never truly felt festive. That's why my first year here in New York, I made sure to embrace the fall season. My boyfriend and I decided to take a day trip to Sleepy Hallow, just an hour outside of the city, to take these photos. We explored the historic cemetery and enjoyed the nature surrounding it.

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